How To Put a Trampoline Mat On?
A trampoline mat is a pad made of thick foam and fabric that covers the springs in a backyard trampoline. The mat provides protection to those who jump on the trampoline. We’ve put together a guide to help you put a mat on your trampoline and avoid injury or any kind of damage to the trampoline.
Most people have also been having trouble with how to put a trampoline mat on, so here is an easy guide on putting your mat on.
For many years, the common method of protecting children’s trampolines has been to put a close-weave mat on top of the frame. The mats sometimes had sharp edges, however, and were sometimes difficult to attach. So in 2006, an experiment was done with a cover that could be easily attached, but with rounded corners and no exposed seams or other rough parts.
How To Put a Trampoline Mat On?
These are some things you will probably need in the process of putting a trampoline mat on.
- Base Trampoline Mat
- Foam Cutter
- Frame with Plank System (the one that you have for your trampoline) in order to remove the springs from it.
- Attachment Straps to secure the Trampoline Mat over the Springs and frame of the trampoline.
- Anchoring Stakes to secure the mat down at each corner.
- Straps to secure the mat down at each strap
- Hand Tools to cut the mat, screws, etc.

How To Install a Trampoline Mat:
Following are the steps you will need to follow in order to install the trampoline mat.
- Set Up the Trampoline Mat
The first step involves laying the trampoline mat onto the ground and attaching it to the anchoring stakes. Choose a flat, level area for putting the trampoline mat in place, avoiding areas with a lot of grass or plants that can be damaged during installation. Make sure you have enough space for all of your tools and equipment.
- Attach the Mat With Straps
After that, start attaching the trampoline mat to the anchoring stakes. You will need 14 to 15 ft of the rubber strap.
7ft strap can be used for securing it at each corner. The other 3ft strap is for staking to make sure that it stays down firmly on all sides.
- Provide Stability
Stake through the trampoline mat from below, putting one end into the ground and using a screw close to the other end to secure it in place. This step provides stability to the trampoline mat.
- Remove the Springs
When you have the trampoline mat in place, you need to remove the springs from the frame to put them back on when the mat is removed.
To remove the springs from the frame, first, you will need to take out all the screws that hold your nylon nuts on. Start with one corner and, using a ratchet screwdriver, unscrew the nut from each screw until they come loose. Then use a hacksaw to cut through each nylon rod.
It is easier if you make one long cut in each rod along its length, and then use scissors or a utility knife to cut through them individually while they are still connected together at their ends. This process should take no more than 10 minutes total time
- Cut Around the Trampoline Mat
The foam cutter is ideal for cutting the mat because it leaves cleaner cuts and does not damage the surface of the mat. Make one or two cuts, then take your hand scissor and cut around until you reach where you began.
To remove the trampoline mat, lay it on top of your frame again, then pull up on each edge simultaneously to help it slide off. It should come right off if you have removed all springs from your frame and have staked down both sides of the mat with attachments straps. Since this is a protective product, it can be replaced immediately after cutting.
- Put the Springs Back
To put the springs back on, first, make sure that the frame is covered with foam, then put a spring on each frame part. Keep repeating this process until you reach the top of your trampoline. When you get to the last two springs, keep one open and loop it over until it’s secure enough. Next, secure all loose strings or strings hanging down with a rubber band, so they don’t tangle together when you jump.
- Attach the Mat to the Frame
After you have installed all your springs onto your trampoline frame, it’s time to secure the mat and put it on your trampoline.
Take out all the screws on the mat and place them in one place, so both sides are even. Start attaching the mat to the frame, first by each corner, making sure that all the screws are in the same place on both sides. After attaching the mat to your frame, secure it on all sides with attachment straps.
- Secure the Mat
Secure down both sides with a screw attached to a 3ft strap and placed it into one of your anchoring stakes. Tighten all loose strings or strings hanging down with a rubber band, so they don’t converge when jumping.
Use gloves to protect your hands, and be careful throughout the process not to injure yourself. With this, you have finished installing the trampoline mat.
How to Fix Trampoline Mat?
If you find that your trampoline mat is not secured to the frame, then here is what you can do in order to fix your loose trampoline mat.
First, check the straps that secure the mat, and ensure they are tight. If they’re not tightened enough, then use a screwdriver or wrench to tighten them down a bit more. If they are too tight, then loosen them up with either scissors or pliers.
Secondly, use a hammer and nail to pound the trampoline mat down firmly onto the frame. This should help secure it.
Thirdly, you can use nylon straps or bolts (staples might work too) to secure the mat securely to your trampoline frame. There are usually two straps per corner of your mat, but ideally, all four corners should have two straps going through them. If you can wrap some wire around one of the legs of your trampoline frame to secure it, that would be even better.
Finally, if you have access to the underside of the trampoline, then you can use tape or glue to secure it in place.
How to Measure a Trampoline Mat?
It is best to start from the trampoline frame where you set your mat on straight up and down and measure the distance between that frame and the metal bar of your frame. Measure from one end of the trampoline mat to the other end. You can use power tools to cut it if you wish.
If you want to remove the trampoline mat, then lay it on the ground (the side without springs) then take a measurement from there too, again passing through the middle of it.
These are some simple steps on how to put a mat on your trampoline. We hope you find them helpful. This is the best way to protect your children from any injury, and it is an easy DIY project for you to do on your own.
Note that you only need to do this once a year or if you notice that the mat is damaged, otherwise you are good to jump on your trampoline.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How to Clean Trampoline Mat?
A: Like most trampolines, a mat should be cleaned regularly. That being said, the cleaning of it depends on how dirty it is. If it’s just a small amount of dirt and debris, you can use a broom to sweep the dirt off or water to rinse away the dust and debris. However, if there is significant dirt or mud stuck on your mat, then you need to clean it more thoroughly.
The other option is to use commercially made cleaning products meant specifically for that purpose. Some sprays or wipes can be used to get rid of stains and dirt on the trampoline mat. However, these products should be applied according to the directions on the package.
Q: Why Is My Trampoline Mat Loose?
A: Over time, your mat will lose its elasticity and stretch. This is due to aging materials, weathering and wear and tear, or personal use.
Simple fix: if the mat is actually very loose, you can manually tighten it by placing the ends of the straps on each end of the trampoline frame, tightening them down with alligator clips or bungee cords. You can also use a pipe wrench to accomplish this step.
Q: Does a Trampoline Mat Lose Its Elasticity?
A: In general, trampoline mats do stretch and lose their elasticity over time. This is especially true if you store your trampoline outdoors. Mats are designed to provide safety and support while jumping, so they need to be tight and secure. They should not be stretched out or loose.
If your mat is loose and sagging in areas, then you should check the instructions that came with it to see how much stretch it can take before it’s considered damaged or worn out.
Q: How Long Do Trampoline Mats Last?
A: Trampoline mats should last for years if you prima max by maxtreme en france trenbolone mix tri tren do the basic maintenance that is outlined above, and the mat is cared for properly. However, the materials used to make them are not designed to last forever.
If it’s a replacement mat, then it’s best to replace it every few years.